The basic flow of Mangopay’s 30-day preauthorization feature works as follows:
Secure the funds
Secure the funds with the POST Create a Deposit Preauthorization endpoint
Capture pay-in
Capture the preauthorized funds using the dedicated POST Create a Deposit Preauthorized PayIn without complement endpoint
This scenario is described step by step in the tutorial:
How to process a 30-day preauthorization →Note - Multi-capture not possible with 30-day preauthorization
Multi-capture is only available for 7-day preauthorization.
Complement features
30-day preauthorization also comes with additional functionalities:
- Complement after pay-in – Capture more than the initial preauthorized amount
- Complement after no-show – Capture additional funds against an unused preauthorization
These features both involve charging a complementary amount in addition to the initially preauthorized amount. The preauthorized pay-in capture and the pay-in complement are both linked to the Deposit object in the PayinsLinked
For step-by-step guidance on all complement scenarios, see the tutorial:
How to process a 30-day preauthorization →Complement after pay-in
Platforms may want to capture more than the initially preauthorized amount - for example, if end users are benefiting from additional services or if damages have been incurred during a rental.
The steps are the following:
Secure the funds
Secure the funds with the POST Create a Deposit Preauthorization endpoint
Capture pay-in and signal intent to complement
Capture the preauthorized funds, while also signaling the intent to capture an additional amount, using the dedicated POST Create a Deposit Preauthorized PayIn prior to complement endpoint
Capture complement pay-in
Charge the card for the additional amount with the POST Create a Deposit Preauthorized PayIn complement endpoint
Note - Pay-in prior to complement must be full capture The pay-in prior to a complement must be a full capture of the preauthorized amount - it can’t be partial.
Complement after no-show
Platforms may want to capture additional funds if the initially preauthorized funds have not been captured. For example, this could be a penalty charged if end users cancel a reservation at the last minute.
The steps are the following:
Secure the funds
Secure the funds with the POST Create a Deposit Preauthorization endpoint
Request no-show
Request the no-show, which also signals the intent to capture an additional amount, using the PUT Cancel a Deposit Preauthorization or request a no-show endpoint
Capture complement pay-in
Charge the card for the additional amount with the POST Create a Deposit Preauthorized PayIn complement endpoint
Behavior of complement pay-ins
Both the initial pay-in and the complement benefit from the authorization of the deposit preauthorization. The complement benefits from an exemption to 3DS.
The amount of the complement can be greater than the initially preauthorized amount, but the issuer has the right to refuse the complement if the amount (or timing) are not satisfactory.
If the complement pay-in is declined, you are able to retry it on the same endpoint.