The fraud prevention profiler is code implemented into the platform’s app or website which monitors browser and behavioral data during a user’s profiling session. The profiling session runs on your payment page, and the profiler enables you to monitor a vast array of data which can be used when defining rules.

Each profiling session has a unique identifier called the attempt_reference. The data from the profiling session is used to generate a fraud prevention recommendation for the user’s action. The attempt reference is linked to the transaction request by being sent in the relevant API call in the ProfilingAttemptReference parameter.


Integrating the profiler – whether directly in your website or app, or via the Checkout SDK – enables:

Profiler-based rulesCreate rules based on the user’s interactions and traits of their browsing session, allowing you to detect bots, VPN usage, and other potentially suspicious behavior.
Enhanced dataIntegrate data from the profiler into velocity rules to increase accuracy and precision – such as number of distinct users with the same IP address, or various system fingerprints.

For more information on Mangopay’s fraud prevention solution:


Learn about Mangopay’s fraud prevention capabilities


Integration of the profiling solution comprises two parts: 

  1. Integrate the profiler on your website or app
  2. Send the attempt reference in your pay-in requests to the Mangopay API

Note – Checkout SDK has the profiler built in

As well as powering your payment page, Mangopay’s Checkout SDK has the profiler built in to simplify your integration.
It generates and returns the attempt reference automatically before triggering the pay-in call.

1. Integrate the profiler

Follow our step-by-step guides to integrate the profiler on your website and app:

2. Send the attempt reference to the API

You need to send the profiling attempt reference in the request to the Mangopay API from your backend. 

The ProfilingAttemptReference parameter can be sent on the following endpoints:


Learn how the Checkout SDK works